EDfutures Catalyst: Michael Caldwell
Michael Caldwell, Director of Science and STEM at Perth Individual College
Michael is the Director for Science and STEM at Perth Individual College in Burswood, predominantly teaching High School Science and collaborating in other areas of the school as a Science, Digital Technologies and STEM collaborator. In his time here he has changed the teaching focus of the college from content based learning to skills based learning.
Michael is a Founding Member of EdFutures and a Catalyst. He first heard about EdFutures in its infancy when Rebecca Loftus (EdFutures Founder) presented at a TeachMeet and has been a passionate advocate ever since. Michael is currently working on a unit which allows Teachers to plan more effective lessons based on learning theory in an effort to promote student autonomy. EdFutures plans to deliver this to both pre teachers and teachers of all experience in the near future.
In addition to TeachMeets, Michael actively presents at conferences around Perth in the areas of STEM and student led learning, sharing his experiences in androgogic and heutagogic methodologies.