DojoCon Australia 2017
Australia’s very first DojoCon convention for members of the CoderDojo community was a great success.
We had over 400 attendees who shared ideas, inspiration and enthusiasm for coding and creating using computers. Some travelled for hours by train and plane to get to the DojoCon, making the day a truly national event.
The day featured talks, panel sessions, presentations, Dojo sessions and stalls for and by members of our Australian network of youth computer programming clubs.
The DojoCon was co-organised by Murdoch Uni and CoderDojo WA/Fogarty Foundation, and was made possible thanks to our wonderful volunteers, stall-holders, panellists, MCs, speakers and of course the generosity of our sponsors Woodside Energy, Bankwest, Google and Shine Solutions. Be sure to check out our photos and video from the day.