Be Future Ready Webinar

The What and How of preparing learners for tomorrow

With the speed of change making it impossible to predict the future, how do we even know if our students are ready for anything? This webinar invites you to join other EDfutures members in an interactive conversation about the evolving FutureWe Readiness Framework

This framework sets out to bring together ALL of the future-proof literacies learners (and everyone) will need to invent their own futures, and it’s also designed to plug directly into the ‘how’. Get a head start in understanding the big picture and mapping out your own journey in guiding the young people you are responsible for to success.

WHEN: March 4th 5:30pm – 6:30pm AWST

WHERE: The webinar will be hosted on WebEx Teams. You can download WebEx teams for free. You will be sent further details on how to join closer to the date of the Webinar.


FutureWe was founded by Jonathan Nalder after a 6 month research sabbatical in 2016 which left him shocked at how fast AI and new tech were changing the workforce. Instead of trying to predict what Education needs as a response, he determined to help learners know how to invent their own futures and be successful no matter what the tomorrow brings.

With help from now 300+ members in 17 countries, he has created and deployed solutions such as the tool, ‘’ lessons (AR, VR, 3D), and futures scenario across Australia and internationally to ensure everyone can be future ready.

Follow Jonathan @jnxyz