Community Night – How Values Shape Education: 6th November

EDfutures Community Night: How Values Shape Education

At this community night, we’re taking a deep dive into values and the impact they have in Australia’s education system. We will be exploring:

This session will be facilitated by Kendall Clifton-Short of The Purpose:Fully. She works with organisations to imagine tomorrow’s future, and then embed purpose-driven strategy to create purposeful impact. As a passionate member of the EDfutures community, she’s excited to facilitate an exploration of the above questions with us all.

WHEN: November 6th 2018, 5.30pm – 8.30pm

WHERE: Lotteries House, City West

WHY: Community nights are an opportunity for us to welcome new members and a create some energy and understanding around EDfutures. Each community night will focus on a different theme.


 Kendall Clifton-Short

Kendall is the Managing Director at The Purpose:fully. Kendall’s purpose:ful journey began with transformational experiences in the outdoors forcing her to redefine what she believed she was capable of. And awakening a desire to facilitate experiences that tested people’s self imposed limits and preserved the wilderness spaces essential to this transformation.

This has grown into a lifelong quest to understand how we can build systems and cultures that promote more sustainable behaviours and lifestyles.

Through the twisting, turning journey that is life and work, this has become the core belief that caring for people, communities and the environment is actually good for business, and good for humanity.

Her professional life has seen her questioning and helping people redefine what is possible:  Leading adventures in pristine wilderness environments as a Course Leader for the National Outdoor Leadership School; redesigning sustainability educational to challenge the status quo as the Director of a remote secondary education campus; and challenging CEO’s on purposeful impact, and leadership assumptions and practice.

Fundamentally helping people and organisation reshape the way they think, connect and do business, so we can reshape the business world as a force for good.

And as a friend, wife and mother to three gorgeous balls of energy, she can often be found mucking around in the bush and wild spaces with her family, and asking difficult questions about how we can live more congruently with what we believe in and care deeply about.

EDfutures Community Night: Scaling What Works

At this community night, we want to hear what you’re doing differently in education! This session will be facilitated by Sarah Dew, of Innovation Unit, London, where she grows new solutions to complex problems. With years of experience in this field, they’ve developed a model for what it takes to bring a great solution to scale.

To learn how to apply this model, we want to hear about your projects and ideas. What’s stopping you from growing and scaling your innovation? What’s working so well that you wish everyone was doing it? Tell us about it when you register for the event, and yours could be one of the ideas we workshop on the night.

WHEN: October 10th 2018, 5.30pm – 8.30pm

WHERE: Lotteries House, City West

WHY: Community nights are an opportunity for us to welcome new members and a create some energy and understanding around EDfutures. Each community night will focus on a different theme.


Sarah Dew 

Sarah is a Project Lead at Innovation Unit, with particular expertise in scaling innovation, and health and social care. Sarah is currently leading a piece of work for the Learning and Work Institute and the Work and Health Unit (jointly sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health) to co-design a new programme of support for people who are long term unemployed with multiple health conditions.

Sarah is an expert advisor on the evaluation of the Health Foundation’s Exploring Social Franchising programme, which is being led by Cordis Bright. To the evaluation, Sarah brings her insight on how to scale innovation successfully in the NHS. This is informed in part by the report Against the Odds: successfully scaling innovation in the NHS which she co-authored for the Health Foundation, and by her work with the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA).

Previously, Sarah was part of the team working on Better Endings – a year long innovation programme for end of life care in Lambeth and Southwark supported by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity. Sarah led the research to understand the health and social care context for end of life care, and led the development of Neighbourhood Care – prototyping a new model of community based support for isolated individuals at the end of life.

EDfutures Community Night: Mapping the System

In this session, facilitated by Matt Norman, we’ll discuss what systems mapping can do for you, and start to build a map of the education system in our city, state, nation and world. Maps like these can help us to understand the role that every sector needs to play in making change, and bring up some great questions about the infrastructure we need to make system-wide collaborative approaches possible.

WHEN: September 19th 2018, 5.30 – 8.30pm

WHERE: Lotteries House, City West

WHY: Community nights are an opportunity for us to welcome new members and a create some energy and understanding around EDfutures. Each community night will focus on a different theme.


Matt Norman

Matt is an education enthusiast exploring ways to develop future-ready and equitable learning systems. He currently works as a recruiter for Teach For Australia and has 4 years of experience running performance workshops with young people. Matt’s biggest questions right now are about experimenting with the design of learning experiences, and about crafting a collective narrative to drive change in education.

Connect with Matt @m_j_norman

EDfutures Community Night: Sensing our emerging future in education

WHEN: August 7th 2018, 5:30 – 7:30pm

WHERE: Lotteries House, City West

WHY: Community nights are an opportunity for us to welcome new members and a create some energy and understanding around EDfutures. Each community night will focus on a different theme. This month, Karen Wellington will be joining us to present key ideas on our theme of, “sensing the emerging future in education”, inspired by her recent involvement in Presencing Institute‘s program during the Perth Social Impact Festival (check it out!).



Karen Wellington

Karen is a social innovator and systems change catalyst. After joining the Fogarty Foundation in 2014, Karen led the growth of the CoderDojo WA network from 2 to over 130 computer programming clubs statewide. In 2015 Karen completed the Graduate Certificate in Social Impact at UWA under scholarship from the Australian Centre for Social Impact. She is currently completing a Masters in (Sustainable) Community Development and has been recognised as a Student Fellow of Murdoch University’s Learning Excellence Academy (LEAD). In 2017 Karen travelled internationally on a Westpac Social Change fellowship, investigating the question of “how could we collectively build a learning society that benefits all?”

Connect with Karen @Karentton